
Hi! I'm Megan Gillman!

Recovering perfectionist. Unicorn Fairy Godmother. Passions: women's empowerment, creating connection, sustainability, authenticity in life and work Check out the resources I offer below, and sign up for my newsletter!

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How many ancestors do you actually have?

About 10 years back I went to Ireland and was floored by how many more cousins I had in Ireland than I did in the U.S. Imagine, I thought, if I had grown up in Ireland, surrounded by hundreds of generations of my family’s history, instead of just 2. There are thousands of years of my heritage that I don't know about, because I don't normally think of my "family" as more than the people I grew up with. But how much family history do I *actually* have? How much do *you* have? Let’s do some...

In 1532 the Holy Roman Empire (i.e., the Pope and the Catholic church) adopted a new law about witchcraft - it made it harder to accuse someone of witchcraft because you needed to have actual evidence of harm, AND you had to have at least 2 accusers. Scholars think this was done largely to curb the ridiculous number of witch trials and executions (over 25,000 people were killed in Germany alone!). But King James (yup, the one who made that Bible) ignored the new recommendations in favor of...

Now, if I were coaching someone else I'd probably have stopped here to honor the feelings of powerlessness and frustration and let them be felt, but i'm a human and so I was like FUCK IT LET'S JUST POWER THROUUUUUGH!" I was journaling this morning on a prompt about designing your ideal daily schedule. Normally this kind of thing would be fun for me! I love to daydream about cozy mornings drinking coffee on the porch. But I found myself procrastinating and making excuses. I would start...

Do you remember when you first learned about the Salem Witch Trials? I asked a few friends (aka I made an instagram poll) and we all seemed to agree our first encounter with this particular historical event was in elementary school, age 7 or 8 maybe. I'm not surprised we learn about this so early, because HOLY SHIT what an effective tool to teach young girls to behave, be "good", and not cause trouble. We learn about it again in High School, where Arthur Miller's The Crucible is still...

UGH. Is anything worse than someone telling you that you SHOULD feel grateful? Gratitude is a key part of any manifestation, prayer, or magic practice. Basically, in order to get more of what you want in life, it's so very key to FEEL GRATEFUL for what you have. But lots of us have built up strong resentments around the world Grateful. Maybe, just *maybe* we've been using it to shame and gaslight women for UNTOLD CENTURIES. (Actually, just checked. The word originated in 1580. But I bet we've...

Just kidding, Reader Fall isn't going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, it's only just started! And I've been enjoying it thoroughly, with long walks, hot pumpkiny lattés, pumpkin pie, apple cider, and the annual re-watch of Gilmore Girls. Not to mention all the cozy sweaters (I'd be wearing them in Florida, too, I'd just have to kick up the AC!) Check out my newest hair accessories!!! But it IS your last chance to sign up for my Guilty Pleasures Unleashed: Fall Edition Workshop! An hour and a...

Here's the thing about guilty pleasures - There's no reason to feel guilty about them! Think of your favorite guilty pleasure. Right now. Is it a special flavor of ice cream? A favorite TV show that you watch over and over? Is it sneaking away for "book club" and then just having wine with your friends? WHYYYYYYY are you feeling guilty about these? A) because you're a woman. And women have been socialized to be constantly "of service" to those around them. If you're taking time just for...

How does your unhealed People-Pleasing Energy show up in your job? Well, for me it showed up as consistently and constantly going above and beyond! Other duties as assigned? Throw 'em at me! Superstar Employee Reporting For Duty! I'd spot a problem that was Definitely Not My Job and I'd create a plan of attack and fix it. In my last job this looked like me deciding the store website wasn't optimized for online commerce and social media - SO I BUILT A NEW WEBSITE FROM SCRATCH. I also designed...

I LOVE making lists. And I love making lists about what lists I should make. But DID YOU KNOW.... that lists can be poems? Maria Mosca is one of my favorite humans and when we started working together (almost 2 years ago now? Is that right?) she was feeling called to more creative pursuits. Writing, specifically. And writing poetry. AND NOW LOOK AT HER! Maria is co-hosting a List Poem workshop with Doula of Words, and this is a MUST for you if you feel like you've somehow gotten disconnected...

I've been hard at work growing and developing a brand-new coaching program. It's magical. It's powerful. And it's designed to help women step directly into their Main Character energy and start LIVING THEIR OWN STORY. So when I found out my best friend signed up for a different coaching program meant to help her do just that, I asked her to hop on a call with me. I've been doing this work for a while now. And I've noticed I can start to talk about things in pretty esoteric ways, that tend to...