How many ancestors do you actually have?

About 10 years back I went to Ireland and was floored by how many more cousins I had in Ireland than I did in the U.S.

Imagine, I thought, if I had grown up in Ireland, surrounded by hundreds of generations of my family’s history, instead of just 2.

There are thousands of years of my heritage that I don't know about, because I don't normally think of my "family" as more than the people I grew up with.

But how much family history do I *actually* have?

How much do *you* have?

Let’s do some math!

Right now, the average human life-span is like 75?

But for most of western history (which is the amount of history most of us hold in our heads at one time without thinking about it) that life span was substantially shorter. Like 30 or so.

So say it’s 35 (generous if you ask me).

Then since Jesus there’s been roughly 57 different rounds of humanity.

Even without counting extended family, that’s …

WELL OVER A BILLION direct ancestors.

Ok. I cheated and used NOT ONLY A CALCULATOR, but the internet, because I had to re-teach myself some light math.

And in the end I got to a number so big I am HONESTLY UNSURE of how much more than a billion ancestors it is.

Here’s the screenshot:

(If you can tell me what number that actually is, please respond to this email and I will literally buy you a cookie.)

THIS is what we're talking about when we talk about inherited trauma.

With that many ancestors, and because of the way they spread out through time, if we look back far enough, basically, a whole country, region, or culture might be your ancestor.

We're going to unpack this even further in my workshop on October 30th! And the more I learn about this topic the Juicier it feels!

Sign up now to save your spot, even if you're not a direct descendant of Maria Owens.

Because if you are a white woman of European descent, or if you have any known ancestors of white european descent, then you DO have Witch Trial Drama in your bloodline.


They Didn't Burn Witches: Healing the Witch Wound

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Hi! I'm Megan Gillman!

Recovering perfectionist. Unicorn Fairy Godmother. Passions: women's empowerment, creating connection, sustainability, authenticity in life and work Check out the resources I offer below, and sign up for my newsletter!

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