You don't have to feel grateful!


Is anything worse than someone telling you that you SHOULD feel grateful?

Gratitude is a key part of any manifestation, prayer, or magic practice. Basically, in order to get more of what you want in life, it's so very key to FEEL GRATEFUL for what you have.

But lots of us have built up strong resentments around the world Grateful.

Maybe, just *maybe* we've been using it to shame and gaslight women for UNTOLD CENTURIES. (Actually, just checked. The word originated in 1580. But I bet we've been shaming since then at least).

Did you know that, when most people write gratitude lists the write the same 5 things?

"I'm grateful for my:

  • family
  • home
  • pets
  • partner
  • job"

Womp WOMP.

How uninspiring does that sound?

You know what it does sound like?

EXACTLY What we've been told we "should" be grateful for.

Not in a deep, enchanting, powerful sense of gratitude kind of way.

But in the like "be grateful you have this because some people don't!" sense.

And that's not a fun feeling. Gratitude and shame and "should" don't play well together.

So if you want to actually FEEL gratitude, you have to let go of the shoulds.

Here's what you should try:

Make a list of 5-10 things you are grateful for and DON'T list any of the above cliches.

Challenge yourself to pick *specific* things that JUST YOU are grateful for.

Here's a list I just came up with for me:

  • being able to sit my byself and drink coffee while my kid is at preschool and my husband is at work.
  • The way my best friends are still my best friends whenever we get together, even if we haven't spoken in years.
  • Getting to have the most in-depth conversations with incredible women who PAY ME to talk to them <3
  • Getting to donate money to one of my favorite cities to help them when they need it.
  • The way this pumpkin spice chai has just the right spice-to-sweet ratio.

When I write that list, and when I read it back? It feels like a warm hug. Like everything might *actually* be ok. Like I'm living an amazing, magical, blessed life <3

Write your list now, and see how it feels. Because real gratitude? It doesn't feel like a "should".

Bonus points: Respond to this email and let me know EXACTLY how writing that list felt for you! Because I want to know!

<3 Megan

P.S. - If you're ready to ditch the last remnants (or maybe it's still a towering structure, that's ok!) of your perfectionism and people pleasing, you need to check out my new Good Girl Deprogramming offer! It's 1:1 coaching that will revolutionize the way you show up for your Self and the people in your life. Apply now, because life is way too short to not be the main character of your own life!

Hi! I'm Megan Gillman!

Recovering perfectionist. Unicorn Fairy Godmother. Passions: women's empowerment, creating connection, sustainability, authenticity in life and work Check out the resources I offer below, and sign up for my newsletter!

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