Are you the Main Character?

The difference between a main character and a supporting character?

The main character CHANGES.

The main character FACES OBSTACLES.

The main character HAS SETBACKS.

The main character FAILS.

The main character GETS UP AND TRIES AGAIN.

My 3 year old has recently become deeply interested in Pokemon.

And so we've been watching a lot of the original cartoon on Netflix. And you know how you know that Ash is the main character?

He has a GOAL.

Everyone thinks his goal is stupid, or unreachable, and that he'd be better off ignoring it.

He does NOT ignore that goal.

He follows it. Often in very stubborn stupid ways.

You can also tell that Ash is the main character because he FAILS almost every episode.

Almost nothing goes the way that he expects it to.

And he doesn't let that stop him.

He keeps trying. Even when his friends encourage him to stop.


The other characters in the show have great qualities too! Brock is a hopeless romantic and Misty is warm and caring and supportive and fiesty.

But ASH is the one who drives the story, and who changes and grows each episode.

Now I'm not going to argue that the Pokemon Indigo League series is a pinnacle of storytelling.

But it does make it really clear WHOSE story this is.

So what I want you to do today is look at YOUR story.

Are you chasing a big goal? Or dreaming about one?

Are you charging headfirst into failure? Or avoiding it?

Are you doggedly and repeatedly tackling your obstacles until you figure that shit out?

Or are you trying one time and then deciding that maybe you don't have what it takes?

Basically, are you being the Main Character?

Or are you just part of the story?

Take a deep breath.

Because the truth is that it is ALWAYS SAFER and EASIER to be just a part of the story.

And every story needs supporting characters, villains, comic relief, etc.

But when you've been feeling like there must be "something more" for a while, it's almost always because you've opted for the safety of being just a side character instead of following your OWN STORY.

My new coaching offer is one that RECONNECTS you to your main character storyline.

Because I believe (and I know you do too) that you HAVE a storyline to follow. And that when you follow your dreams, your desires, and your ambitions you end up making the world a better place for literally everyone.

And because I've only just gotten a normal schedule back in my life, the sales page is still not done.

But I DO have a lot more information on what this coaching package looks like and pricing options available.

So let's chat today. Because it's time for you to step into your main character Era. And I want to help!

Hi! I'm Megan Gillman!

Recovering perfectionist. Unicorn Fairy Godmother. Passions: women's empowerment, creating connection, sustainability, authenticity in life and work Check out the resources I offer below, and sign up for my newsletter!

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