September is for Storytime

Good morning beautiful!

It's the start of a new month (and not just any new month, it's SEPTEMBER!)

And I have some stories to tell you.

Because last month?

Last month I learned a LOT.

And I wanted to share it with you all in real time but I couldn't.

I couldn't even process it myself in real time.

But I'm starting to realize that, at least right now, things aren't slowing down.

They are, it seems, quite rudely, speeding up.

So I want to start by telling you the story of my butterfly friend.

Because my butterfly...he helped me come to terms with this whole speeding up thing.

Are you ready?


If you've been following along in the Saga Of My Life you'll know that a lot changed for me this summer. The first big change was that my husband and I decided to rent our home in Florida and move to New York/New Jersey for his new job.

And that was pretty much the extent of our planning.

We didn't have enough time to actually buy another house, or figure much out besides that 1) we wanted to move and 2) when that was going to happen.

So I asked the universe to help guide me through this period by showing me a sign when I was on the right path.

The sign I asked for was a butterfly.

(I am always specific in my asks for universal signs because I am an overthinker. And generally, if I ask for a non-specific sign I spend most of my time asking for signs that that was really the sign and not just a fun coincidence that I thought was maybe a sign. )

I also asked for the universe to make it immediately obvious to me that this was a SIGN and not just a butterfly. (see above).

So when I stepped outside of my very first acupuncture experience and a small butterfly immediately landed on my hand, I paid attention.

This butterfly didn't leave.

He stayed sitting on my hand.

So instead of going for a swim as I'd been planning, I went to a little lounge area to wait and see what might happen.

I came across Tammy Roth, an astrologer and healer and generally lovely human (I had not yet met Tammy). She had a sign saying she was offering Galactic Astrology readings for $1/minute. I asked her to do mine while I sat with my butterfly.

In this reading I found out that in June or so, Jupiter had entered my chart and was causing things to rapidly change and accelerate. Things were going to be happening quickly, I was told. Challenges would come at me fast. Faster than I was probably feeling ready for. And it would stay that way for about a year.


I thanked Tammy for her time, and went on my way, feeling honestly a bit overwhelmed.

And then I went to another session with Tammy.

About Galactic Family Systems.

And she asked for a volunteer. Lots of hands went up (including mine) and because my birthday was the closest, I got to be the first to try.

OH MY GOD, when I tell you that as I was chosen to participate a brilliant, blue butterfly flew right into our tent and fluttered up to the top, right above mine & Tammy's heads....

I can't make shit like this up.

I got the chance to choose people to embody my self, my calling, and the obstacles in my path. And to embody the energy of Jupiter and Saturn in my chart. And I got to talk to them, and listen to them.

And my main takeaways were:

  • My blocks are my PARTNERS in the work I am doing.
  • My calling is not going anywhere. She is staying here. My job now is simply to know her and to see her.
  • Water is my elemental resource.
  • I am held.
  • It doesn't have to be perfect.
  • Ready. Ready. Ready.

I am ready.

So basically:

Everything is going FAST, but everything is going FINE.

I am entering a new level, a new stage, and lots of things are changing. I've been feeling this for a while before I got it explained to me by the beautiful Tammy, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

I'd love for you to join me on this ride, because a big part of what's changing is my work.

In the past few weeks I've created a new coaching offering and I'm thrilled about it.

It's more intuitive, more powerful, and more witchy & wild than what I've been offering before.

I'd love to tell you about it. Click here to schedule a call and learn the deets!

Lots of love <3


Hi! I'm Megan Gillman!

Recovering perfectionist. Unicorn Fairy Godmother. Passions: women's empowerment, creating connection, sustainability, authenticity in life and work Check out the resources I offer below, and sign up for my newsletter!

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