What's your guilty pleasure?

Here's the thing about guilty pleasures -

There's no reason to feel guilty about them!

Think of your favorite guilty pleasure. Right now.

Is it a special flavor of ice cream?

A favorite TV show that you watch over and over?

Is it sneaking away for "book club" and then just having wine with your friends?

WHYYYYYYY are you feeling guilty about these?

A) because you're a woman.

And women have been socialized to be constantly "of service" to those around them. If you're taking time just for yourself? You automatically start experiencing guilt.

B) Because we've attached unecessary morality to our food and beverage choices. There's nothing good OR bad about ice cream vs. frozen yogurt. It's all just food. Enjoy what you like!

C) Because you're a woman (again).

Ever notice how the stupid things that MOSTLY MEN love are not "guilty pleasures"? They're just normal hobbies? Like, what is more pointless than spending 4 hours watching two teams fight over an egg-shaped ball? But they do it ALL THE TIME! But if we want to spend 4 hours watching Gray's Anatomy or Bridgerton? All of a sudden it's a "guilty pleasure"? I don't buy it.

All this to say that your guilty pleasures DON'T HAVE to be guilty.

In fact, they can help you unearth clues to what really LIGHT YOU UP, and point you in the direction of your highest and best life.

That's what we'll be doing in the upcoming GUILTY PLEASURES UNLEASHED workshop!

Bring a journal and some water (and tissues, if you're a crier) because we'll be healing our inner children, making peace with our selves, and learning from our guilty pleasures.

Oh, and calling in MORE of all the good stuff our hearts & souls desire for the season.

You can sign up here for just $6.66 (because reclaiming female joy is always a lil' bit witchy).

I can't wait to see you there!

Hi! I'm Megan Gillman!

Recovering perfectionist. Unicorn Fairy Godmother. Passions: women's empowerment, creating connection, sustainability, authenticity in life and work Check out the resources I offer below, and sign up for my newsletter!

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